MMA Statistics Database
MMA Statistics Database
Fiscal Sector
Real Sector
Fiscal Sector
Financial Sector
External Sector
Real Sector
Fiscal Sector
Financial Sector
External Sector
Monthly Fiscal Developments
Summary of government finances, detailed expenditure and revenue out-turns for the reporting month.
Total revenue and grants
Tax revenue
Import duty
Business and property tax
Business profit tax
Withholding tax
Individual income tax
Other business and property taxes
Goods and services tax
General goods and services tax
Tourism goods and services tax
Revenue stamp
Green tax
Airport service charge
Remittance tax
Other taxes and duties
Non-tax revenue
Fees and charges
Airport development fee
Resident permit
Other fees and charges
Registration and licence fees
Property income
Rent from resorts
Land acquisition and conversion Fee
Other property income
Fines and penalties
Interest, profit and dividends
SOE dividends
Interest and profits
Other non-tax revenues
Capital receipts
Less: Subsidiary loan repayment
Total recurrent and capital expenditure
Recurrent expenditure
Salaries, wages and pensions
Salaries and wages
Allowances to employees
Pensions, retirement benefits and gratuities
Retirement benefits and gratuities
Administrative and operational expenses
Travelling expenses
Administrative supplies
Administrative services
Operational consumables
Training expenses
Repairs and maintenance
Financing and interest costs
Grants, contributions and subsidies
Job seekers allowance
Grants to councils
Other Grants and Contributions
Tax payments
Losses and write-offs
Capital expenditure
Capital equipments
Furniture, machinery and equipment
Minor extensions
Infrastructure assets
Land and buildings
Roads, bridges and airports
Wharves, ports and harbours
Other infrastructure assets
Development projects and investments outlays
Development projects
Investment outlays
Domestic lendings
Foreign lendings
Overall balance (surplus / deficit)
Primary balance (surplus / deficit)
Memorandum Items
Loan repayment
Subscriptions to multilateral agencies
Transfers to Sovereign Development Fund
Government Finance Statistics
Government finance statistics (GFS) covers all financial activities of the government as per the GFSM 1998 format.
Total revenue and grants
Total revenue and grants
Total revenue
Current revenue
Includes tax and non-tax revenue
Tax revenue
Compulsory transfers to the government excluding transfers such as fines, penalties, etc.
Import duty
Tourism tax
Bank profit tax
Gst on tourism
Goods and services tax
Airport service charge
Business profit tax
Green tax
Income tax
Nontax revenue
All revenue received by the government excluding tax revenue and capital revenue.
Entrepreneurial and property income
Net sales to public enterprises
State Trading Organisation
Dhivehi Rajjeege Gulhun ltd.(Dhiraagu)
Maldives Post Limited
Maldives Monetary Authority
Island Aviation Services Limited
Maldives Transport and Contracting Co.
Maldives Ports Authority/ Maldives Ports Limited
Bank of Maldives
Maldives Airports Company Ltd
Housing Development Corperation
Maldives Water and Sewerage Company
Housing Development Finance Corporation
Thilafushi Corperation Limited
Land and resort rent
Resort lease rent
Land rent
Administrative fees and charges
Permit fee
Telecommunication licence fees
Other government permit fees
Administrative fees
Airport landing charges
Registration and licence fee
Exam fees
Building rent
Government building rent
Goifaa labba
Non-industrial sales
Work permit
Residential permit fee
Fine and forfeits
Printed material
Airport development fee
Capital revenue (sale of assets)
Revenue from the sale of fixed capital assets, land and intangible assets, etc.
Non-compulsory transfers received by the government.
Cash grant
Project grant
Total expenditure and net lending
Total expenditure and net lending
Total expenditure
Current expenditure
Expenses on day to day activities of the government.
Expenditure on goods and services
Salaries and wages
Other allowances
Other benefits and gratuities
Travel expenses
Training expenses
Supplies and requisites
Repairs and maintenance
Transportation, communication and utilities
Subscriptions and membership fees to international organizations
Social welfare contributions
Interest payments
Subsidies and transfers
Food, electricity, water, fisheries and agriculture
Capital expenditure
Development expenditure
Expenditure for the acquisition of land, intangible assets, etc.
Foreign loan -financed
Domestic loan-financed
Grant financed
Domestic PSIP
Net lending
Net acquisition of financial assets less the net incurrence of liabilities.
Overall balance (surplus/deficit)
Revenues and grants, less expenditure.
Primary balance (surplus/deficit)
Revenues and grants, less expenditure excluding interest payments.
Overall balance excluding grants
Current balance
Current revenue, less current expenditure.
Financing is the means by which the government obtains financial resources to cover the budget deficit.
Foreign financing
Resources obtained from foreign sources to finance the budget deficit.
Domestic financing
Resources obtained from domestic sources to finance the budget deficit.
Memorandum item:
Subsidiary loan repayment
Overall balance in percent of GDP
Revenues and grants, less expenditure expressed as a percent of GDP.
Public and Publicly Guaranteed Debt of Central Government
Total outstanding
Central Government
Central Government
Memorandum items
Total outstanding debt in percent of GDP
Domestic debt in percent of GDP
External debt in percent of GDP
Borrowings of the Central Government by Ownership
Claims on Central Government by institutions.
Claims on central government
Treasury bills and islamic instruments
Central bank
Commercial banks
Other financial corporations
Public nonfinancial corporations
Private sector
Treasury bonds
Central bank
Commercial banks
Other financial corporations
Loans and advances
Central bank
Commercial banks
Other financial corporations
Summary of Treasury Bills and Islamic Instruments
Value of issued, matured and outstanding t-bills and islamic instruments
Value of treasury bills sold
1 Month MVR Treasury Bills
3 Month MVR Treasury Bills
6 Month MVR Treasury Bills
9 Month MVR Treasury Bills
1 Year MVR Treasury Bills
Value of treasury bills paid back
1 Month MVR Treasury Bills
3 Month MVR Treasury Bills
6 Month MVR Treasury Bills
9 Month MVR Treasury Bills
1 Year MVR Treasury Bills
Value of treasury bills issued but not yet paid back
1 Month MVR Treasury Bills
3 Month MVR Treasury Bills
6 Month MVR Treasury Bills
9 Month MVR Treasury Bills
1 Year MVR Treasury Bills